If you are unhappy about any aspect of our service, please raise your concerns immediately with a member of our team or the Founder. We endeavour to provide an excellent service and will work in partnership to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible.
The organisation will treat all complaints seriously and respond to any issues without prejudice and in a timely and professional manner. The safety of individuals making a complaint will always be considered.
There are three stages in the complaints procedure and each stage must be fully completed before proceeding to the next one. You are advised to keep copies of all documents used in the complaints procedure.
Stage 1
You should raise your concerns within seven days of the matter in question. You can raise your concern with a member of staff or by contacting our office by email on complaints@resolutesupport.uk. A member of the team will fully investigate your concerns and address them accordingly. If your complaint is about the member of staff you are in contact with and it would be inappropriate to discuss the matter with them, you may begin with Stage 2.
Stage 2
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of Stage 1, please contact the Founder/CEO of Resolute on 07939287367 or by emailing deborahjones@resolutesupport.uk where your concerns will be investigated. A response will be sent to you within five working days. If your complaint is regarding the Founder/CEO, then you should email complaints@resolutesupport.uk and mark your email for the attention of the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
Stage 3
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of Stage 2, you will need to submit a detailed written complaint with factual evidence and/or signed statements from witnesses. This may be in writing in the post to Complaints, Resolute Women’s Support Services, The Lotus, 11a Regent Street South, Barnsley S70 2HT or via email to complaints@resolutesupport.uk. This will assist in reaching a speedy conclusion to the complaint and will be investigated by the Board of Trustees. A response to your appeal will be sent to you within 28 days. The decision at Stage 3 will be final.
Financial loss
Where a complaint has been made which suggests that the organisation, through its actions, has caused financial loss or hardship to a complainant, the complainant will be asked to seek legal advice from other sources. The organisation will not then discuss the matter with the complainant, other than through appointed legal representation.