Strategic Plan 2024-2027

Our Strategic Objectives:

  1. To raise the voice of victims and survivors, learning from lived experience

  2. To provide consistent, holistic services to support at the earliest opportunity

  3. To empower with knowledge to support those suffering and to prevent others from experiencing abuse.

The Sad Facts of Where We are Now

One in Four women will experience Domestic Abuse in their lifetime in England and Wales. This affects all areas of their lives including their mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. Children are also now recognised as victims of Domestic Abuse and one in five have lived with an adult perpetrating abuse. It is estimated that 3 women die each week by suicide.

On average it takes women seven attempts to leave an abusive relationship. When they leave, the abuse often continues in different ways and vulnerability can increase. The family court system can aid abuse, giving perpetrators the opportunity to continue to control. Prosecuting abusers is a long, drawn-out process causing re-traumatisation and sentences handed down frequently give those who have endured abuse little protection.

The Changes We Want To See

It is a matter of urgency to address this issue locally, nationally and internationally. We want to provide holistic, individualised support for those in our local community suffering abuse. Every woman should be able to access a care plan developed by a specialist case worker to empower her and her children to live a life free of abuse and meet their potential.

We want to see a world where abuse is spoken about and people are empowered by education to spot signs of abuse at the earliest opportunity. Together we need to challenge abuse and teach our youngsters what healthy relationships look like.

We are a small charity with big ambition and will be unwavering in pushing for essential changes to ensure that every woman and child can access holistic support for domestic abuse in the heart of their community.

Our Work for 2024-2027

To raise the voice of victims and survivors, learning from lived experience

What We Will Do

  • Establish an independent advisory board made up of those with lived experience to steer the direction of the organisation and amplify the voice of beneficiaries

  • We will campaign to raise awareness of the issues faced locally

To provide consistent, holistic services to support at the earliest opportunity

What We Will Do

  • Provide peer support for 500 women and children in their local community

  • Provide one to one support to empower 300 women

  • Launch ‘The Lotus’, a community shop where the public can access holistic services and engage in conversations to break down the stigma around abuse, developing a social franchise model to deliver this concept at scale.

To empower with knowledge to support those suffering and to prevent others from experiencing abuse

What We Will Do

  • A befriending project will be developed to address social isolation

  • An e-learning platform will be launched providing empowering evidence-based learning for beneficiaries and professionals

  • We will develop a range of factsheets that are downloadable from our website

  • We will invest in developing the skills of our beneficiaries to empower them to volunteer and to return to the workplace

Working Together

We cannot achieve this on our own. Our ambitious strategy means we will work in partnership with many different organisations and individuals to empower women and children to meet their full potential .